January 10, 2021: 慎勇牧師Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 詩篇Psalm 1:1-6
如何在末世中生活 “How to Live in the End Times”
January 10, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 21:20-36
Soli Deo Gloria
January 10, 2021: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Revelation 4:11.
福音: 贖罪
主禱文 The Lord’s Prayer
January 3, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音Matthew 6:5-13
2021的蒙福之路 2021: A blessed Way (Cantonese)
January 3, 2021: 慎勇牧師 Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 詩篇Psalm 1
Five Solas Series Sola Scriptura
January 3, 2021: Xristian Escala speaking on 2 Timothy 3:16.
感恩的回顧 The Reflection of Thanksgiving
December 27, 2020: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 詩篇Psalm 65:9-13
聖殿被拆毀的預兆 Signs before the Destruction of the Temple
December 27, 2020: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 21:7-19
Unseen Hope
December 27, 2020: Pastor Brandon Yu speaking on Romans 8:22-25.