March 14, 2021: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Romans 15:1-13.
Living with Eternity in Focus
March 7, 2021: Wayne speaking on Matthew 16:21-26
宣教是為了神的榮耀 “Mission Is for the Glory of God” (Mandarin)
March 7, 2021: 馮永樑牧師 Rev. Dr. Lawrence Fung Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書 Isaiah 43:5-7
宣教是為了神的榮耀 “Mission Is for the Glory of God” (Cantonese)
March 7, 2021: 馮永樑牧師 Rev. Dr. Lawrence Fung Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書 Isaiah 43:5-7
耶穌的看顧 “The Care of Jesus”
February 28, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 22:31-38
成為祝福 “Becoming a Blessing”
February 28, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 彼得前書 1 Peter 3:8-9
Instructions to the Strong
February 28, 2021: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Romans 14:13-23.
新年勸勉 “New Year Encouragement” (Mandarin)
February 21, 2021: 何其銳牧師 Pastor Kelvin Ho Scripture Reading: 腓立比書 Philippians 3:12-4:1
新年勸勉 “New Year Encouragement” (Cantonese)
February 21, 2021: 何其銳牧師 Pastor Kelvin Ho Scripture Reading: 腓立比書 Philippians 3:12-4:1
Instructions to the Weak
February 21, 2021: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Romans 14:1-12.