June 20, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 約翰福音John 14:1-15
當為自己哭 “ Weep for Yourselves”
June 20, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 23:26-31
Boldness and the Cross
June 20, 2021: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Esther 7:1-10.
咒詛變為祝福 “Turn the Curse into Blessing”
June 13, 2021: 何其銳牧師Pastor Kelvin Ho Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 18:35-37;19:1-4
長嘆!長嘆? (是嘆世界還是無奈嘆息) “A long sigh! A long sigh?”
June 13, 2021: 李偉強牧師Rev. David Lee Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 12:16-21
The Man the King Delights to Honor
June 13, 2021: Pastor Brandon Yu speaking on Esther 6:1-14.
聖靈的大能與作為 “The Mighty Power and Acts of the Holy Spirit”
June 6, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳Acts 1:1-11
釘他十字架!“Crucify Him!”
June 6, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 23:13-25
Identity & Idolatry
June 6, 2021: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Esther 5:1-14.
「使命必達」- 從約拿生平看神的心意”We live to deliver”- Knowing God’s passion from Jonah’s mission (Cantonese)
May 30, 2021: 林兆源牧師 Rev. Jonathan Lam Scripture Reading: 約拿書Jonah 4:1-11