July 19, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on 2Kings 4:1-7.
Gospel according to Elijah & Elisha Series: The Power of God’s Word
July 12, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on 2Kings 2:19-25
Sing Joyfully to God
May 24, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Psalm 33.
You Are My Savior and My God
May 10, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Psalm 42.
Psalms Series – Like a Tree Planted by Water
April 19, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Psalm 1.
Good Friday (English)
April 10, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Luke 23:44-47 for Good Friday Service. Dramatic Reading (Courtesy of West Valley Presbyterian Church) Damon Lou (Narrator) Lawrence Hui (Pontius Pilate) Esther Chau (Mary) Simon of Cyrene …
Worship in Word
March 29, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Romans 13:11-14.
Practicing Lent
February 23, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Matthew 4:1-11.
Live in Love
February 9, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Romans 12:9-13.
Women in Ministry
January 26, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on 1 Timothy 3:1-12.