September 10, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 25:1-13
完成主耶稣所給我們的職份 “Complete the Task the Lord Jesus Has Given Us” (Mandarin)
August 20, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳 Acts 20:17-24
完成主耶稣所給我們的職份 “Complete the Task the Lord Jesus Has Given Us” (Cantonese)
August 20, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳 Acts 20:17-24
只要祝福,不可咒詛 “Bless and Not Curse”
June 4, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 羅馬書 Romans 12:4
聖經中的馬利亞 The Mary’s in the N.T.
May 14, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 1:46-55
我們來敬拜復活的主 “Let Us Worship a Risen Lord”
May 7, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 28:1-20
耶穌復活之後,必要作的幾件事 “A Few Things Jesus Needs to Do After His Resurrection”
April 16, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 24:36-53
主要用牠 “The Lord Needs It” (Cantonese)
April 2, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 21:1-11
主要用牠 “The Lord Needs It” (Mandarin)
April 2, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 21:1-11
耶穌哭了 “Jesus Wept”
March 12, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 約翰福音John 11:36