November 24, 2024: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 詩篇 Psalm 103:1-14
Advent Conspiracy Worship Fully
November 24, 2024: Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
注目神國的福份 “Focus on the Blessings of God’s Kingdom” (Cantonese)
November 17, 2024: 陳愛光牧師 Pastor Ekron Chen Scripture Reading: 創世記 Genesis 25:27-34
注目神國的福份 “Focus on the Blessings of God’s Kingdom” (Mandarin)
November 17, 2024: 陳愛光牧師 Pastor Ekron Chen Scripture Reading: 創世記 Genesis 25:27-34
The Dream Team Parts Ways
November 17, 2024: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Acts 15:36-41
藉著恩典唯獨信 “By Grace Through Faith Alone” (Mandarin)
November 10, 2024: 蕭浩文牧師 Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳Acts 15:1-21
藉著恩典唯獨信 “By Grace Through Faith Alone” (Cantonese)
November 10, 2024: 蕭浩文牧師 Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳Acts 15:1-21
Grace Produces Obedience
November 10, 2024: Pastor Brandon Yu Scripture Reading: Acts 15:22-35
穩行在高處“Treading on High Places”
November 3, 2024: 梁約瑟牧師 Pastor Joseph Liang Scripture Reading: 哈巴谷書 Habakkuk 3:1-19
以耶和華為 神的,那國是有福的 “Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord”
November 3, 2024: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 詩篇Psalm 33:8-22