July 16, 2023: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 歌羅西書 Col 1:24-2:5
百夫長的信心 “The Faith of the Centurion” (Mandarin)
July 9, 2023: 艾基信Xristian Escala Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 7:1-10
福音的盼望 “The Hope of the Gospel” (Mandarin)
July 2, 2023: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: Colossians 歌羅西書 1:15-23
我們不喪膽 “We Do Not Lose Heart (Mandarin)
June 25, 2023: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
蒙主喜悅的教會 “A Church Pleasing to the Lord”
June 18, 2023: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 歌羅西書Col 1:1-14
等候神 “Hope in the Lord” (Mandarin)
June 11, 2023: 林德昭牧師 Pastor Albert Lin Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書 Isaiah 30:15-22
只要祝福,不可咒詛 “Bless and Not Curse”
June 4, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 羅馬書 Romans 12:4
主的能力覆庇 Christ’s Power May Rest on Me (Mandarin)
May 29, 2023: 秦民輝牧師 Pastor Joseph Chun Scripture Reading: 哥林多後書 2 Cor 12:1-10
神赦免的畫面 “A Picture of God’s Forgiveness” (Mandarin)
May 22, 2023: 余志傑牧師 Pastor Brandon Yu Scripture Reading: 腓利門書Philemon 8-20節
聖經中的馬利亞 The Mary’s in the N.T.
May 14, 2023: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 1:46-55