October 17, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 詩篇Psalm 73
聖靈充滿的教會 “A Spirit-Filled Church” (Mandarin)
October 10, 2021: 蕭浩文牧師Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳Acts 2:1-13
認識神的威榮 “Knowing the Majesty of God”
October 3, 2021: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 彼得後書2 Peter 1:16-18
來到施恩座前 “Draw near to the Throne of Grace” (Mandarin)
September 26, 2021: 陳愛光牧師Rev. Dr. Ekron Chen Scripture Reading: 希伯來書 Hebrews 4:14-16
去為耶穌作見證 “Go be a Witness for Jesus” (Mandarin)
September 19, 2021: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 24:36-53
定睛天堂 “Gazing into Heaven” (Mandarin)
September 12, 2021: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳Acts 1:1-11
死活為主 “Live and Die to the Lord”
September 5, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 羅馬書Romans 14:7-9
天國的奧秘 (三):忠心而有見識的僕人 “The Mystery of the Kingdom (3): The Parable of a Faithful and Wise Servant”
August 29, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 12:35-48
聖靈果子(上): 仁愛、喜樂、和平 “The Fruit of the Spirit (1): Love, Joy, Peace” (Mandarin)
August 22, 2021: 秦民輝牧師Pastor Joseph Chun Scripture Reading: 加拉太書Galatians 5:22-23
天國的奧秘 (二) :撒種的比喻 “The Mystery of the Kingdom (2): The Parable of the Sower
August 15, 2021: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 13:1-23