October 9, 2022: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:29
失敗者聯盟 (一) “From Failure to Success-Part 1”
October 2, 2022: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音 Matthew 26:33-35, 69-75
脫去與穿上 “Put Off and Put On” (Mandarin)
September 25, 2022: 余志傑牧師 Pastor Brandon Yu Scripture Reading: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:20-24
綠色大地的好管家 “Be a Good Steward, Go Green”
September 18, 2022: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 創世記 Genesis 1:9-13, 20-31
對富足人的警告 “Warning to the Rich (Mandarin)
September 11, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 雅各書 James 5:1-6
不要叫聖靈擔憂 “Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit” (Cantonese)
September 4, 2022: 蕭浩文牧師 Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:30
不要叫聖靈擔憂 “Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit” (Mandarin)
September 4, 2022: 蕭浩文牧師 Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:30
教會是永生神的家 “Church Is the Household of the Living God” (Mandarin)
August 28, 2022: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 提摩太前書 1 Timothy 3:14-16
從詩篇廿三篇看我們的大牧者耶穌 “From Psalm 23 to See Our Great Shepherd Jesus” (Mandarin)
August 21, 2022: 秦民輝牧師 Pastor Joseph Chun Scripture Reading: 詩篇 Psalm 23; 約翰福音 John 1:18; 10:10-11; 29-30
基督信仰與文化 “Christian Faith and Culture” (Mandarin)
August 14, 2022: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 約翰福音 John 1:14-18