August 7, 2022: 陳愛光牧師 Pastor Ekron Chen Scripture Reading: 提摩太後書 1:1-7
活出更新的生命 “Living a Transforming Life” (Cantonese)
July 31, 2022: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 羅馬書 Romans 12:1-2
試煉中的喜樂 The Joy in the Trials (Cantonese)
July 24, 2022: 慎勇牧師 Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 雅各書 James 1:1-4;5:7-8
像你我合而為一 “You and I As One” (Cantonese)
July 10, 2022: 艾基信 Xristian Escala Scripture Reading: 約翰福音John 17:20-26
人的驕傲 (Cantonese)
July 3, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 雅各書 James 4:11-17
June 26, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 羅馬書 Romans 10:13-21
你們要順服神 “Submit Yourselves to God”
June 19, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 雅各書James 4:5-10
June 12, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 雅各書James 4:1-6
遺失 “Lost” (Cantonese)
June 5, 2022: 柯立天博士Dr. Richard Cook Scripture Reading: 路加福音Luke 15:1-10
合神心意的恩典 “Grace That’s After God’s Heart” (Cantonese)
May 29, 2022: 何其銳牧師Pastor Kelvin Ho Scripture Reading: 撒母耳記下 2 Samuel 7:8-16