June 7, 2020: Pastor Brandon Yu speaking on 1Kings 17:1-24.
神的寶座與使命人生 “The Throne of God and a Mission-Centered Life” (Mandarin)
May 31, 2020: 余雋禧傳道 Missionary Kenny Yu Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書Isaiah 6: 1-13
神的寶座與使命人生 “The Throne of God and a Mission-Centered Life” (Cantonese)
May 31, 2020: 余雋禧傳道 Missionary Kenny Yu Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書Isaiah 6: 1-13
Missions Sunday: The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few
May 31, 2020 Speaker: Michael Wong
不枉此生 “A Life Worth Living” (Mandarin)
May 24, 2020: 陳愛光 牧師 Rev. Dr. Ekron Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 12:13-21
不枉此生 “A Life Worth Living” (Cantonese)
May 24, 2020: 陳愛光牧師Rev. Dr. Ekron Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 12:13-21
Sing Joyfully to God
May 24, 2020: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on Psalm 33.
恢復與世界的關係 “Relationship with the World Restored”
May 17, 2020: 陳振鵬 牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 羅馬書Romans 8:18-30
禱告復興的大能 “The Power of Revival”
May 17, 2020: 林楹俊 牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 使徒行傳 Acts 2:1-8, 2:32-47
Faith on Trial
May 17, 2020: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Psalm 73.