April 17, 2022: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Hebrews 12:2-3, Philippians 3:10-11
建造房屋 (Mandarin)
April 10, 2022: 艾基信 Xristian Escala Scripture Reading: 哈該書 Haggai 1:1-12
建造房屋 (Cantonese)
April 10, 2022: 艾基信 Xristian Escala Scripture Reading: 哈該書 Haggai 1:1-12
Lent – Humble Yourselves
April 10, 2022: Pastor Steven Siu Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 5:5-7
當記念安息日,守為聖日 “Remember the Sabbath Day by Keeping It Holy”
April 3, 2022: 林楹俊牧師Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 出埃及記 Exodus 20:8-11
April 3, 2022: 陳振鵬牧師 Pastor Steven Chan Scripture Reading: 雅各書2:14-19
Lent – Serve Others
April 3, 2022: Pastor Jimmy Lee speaking on Matthew 23:11-12.
追尋生命之光 “Searching for the Light of Life” (Mandarin)
March 27, 2022: 慎勇牧師Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 約翰福音 John 3:19-21; 8:12
追尋生命之光 “Searching for the Light of Life” (Cantonese)
March 27, 2022: 慎勇牧師Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 約翰福音 John 3:19-21; 8:12
Lent – Give to the Needy
March 27, 2022: Pastor Steven Siu speaking on 2 Cor. 8:1-9.