September 3, 2023: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:28
The Purpose of Work: Giving
August 27, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:28
Missions Sunday: Praying for our Missionaries
July 30, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:35-38
Judges: Abimelech the Thornbush King
July 23, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Judges 9:1-56
我們不喪膽 “We Do Not Lose Heart (Mandarin)
June 25, 2023: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
我們不喪膽 “We Do Not Lose Heart (Cantonese)
June 25, 2023: 李晟旻牧師 Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: 哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Judges: A Paradigm of Salvation
May 29, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Judges 3:1-11
Seeking Forgiveness & Reconciliation
May 7, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15-20
Forgiving Others (How to Forgive)
April 30, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:21-35
What Is Forgiveness & Why We Need It
April 16, 2023: Pastor Jimmy Lee Scripture Reading: Mark 2:1-12