July 26, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 以弗所書Ephesians 4:1-10
和睦之道:由敵視到和諧 “From Hostility to Harmony: The Pathway to Peace”
July 19, 2020: 史格致博士 Dr. Glen Scorgie Scripture Reading: 彼得前書1 Peter 3:8-12
四十晝夜 “Forty Days and Forty Nights”
July 12, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬太福音Matthew 4:1-11
以耶和華為 神的,那國是有福的 “Blessed Is the Nation Whose God Is the Lord”
July 5, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 詩篇 Psalm 33:8-22
以「不變」應萬變 “The Unchanging Response to a Changing World” (Mandarin)
June 28, 2020: 慎勇牧師 Pastor Mark Shen Scripture Reading: 雅各書1:16-17
薪火相傳、延福使命 “Discipling Agents of Blessings” (Mandarin)
June 21, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Rev. Dr. Lawrence Fung Scripture Reading: 創世記 Gen. 12:1-3
打破玉瓶的服事 “Breaking the Vial and Let Perfume Overflow”
June 14, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 馬可福音 Mark 14:3-9
住在主裡面 “Abide in Him”
June 7, 2020: 林楹俊牧師 Pastor Allen Lin Scripture Reading: 約翰福音John 15:1-11
神的寶座與使命人生 “The Throne of God and a Mission-Centered Life” (Mandarin)
May 31, 2020: 余雋禧傳道 Missionary Kenny Yu Scripture Reading: 以賽亞書Isaiah 6: 1-13
不枉此生 “A Life Worth Living” (Mandarin)
May 24, 2020: 陳愛光 牧師 Rev. Dr. Ekron Chan Scripture Reading: 路加福音 Luke 12:13-21